Thursday, December 13, 2007

Library Plumbing back on line!

The Library, although still a bit of a hassle to get into, now has both heat and plumbing. The news of the week is that the parking lot has another layer of gravel and the DPW will clear snow from the lot, walkways, and stairs to the Library after the streets are cleared. Next week the concrete slab will be poured and the foundation will be backfilled as the site is graded to its normal appearance.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Danger! Take Care!

The areas adjacent to the Library are now all under siege!

Please be careful when approaching the building. The correct route is by foot through the Law Park paths to the staircase across from the building entrance. (Please do not drive in the Park!)

DO NOT USE the Book Drop built into the building; the area leading up to the drop is being excavated and is dangerous to navigate. The freestanding Book Drop is now in use on the Law Park path (right below a street lamp) directly across from the new parking area inside the property on Pleasantville Road.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

October Building Meetings

Excavation for the Library addition is complete and concrete is being poured for the foundation. This work displaced the sewer lines, so library bathrooms have been out of service. Con Ed is re-connecting the gas line late this month so the Library will once again have heat and hot water. Water will be useable once the sewer lines are reconnected anticipated for “after November 1st.” Current work involves installing drainage and water lines.

The use of the new Pleasantville Road parking area is scheduled for October 26th, with access to the Library through the adjacent Law Park path and down the steps to the front door. The old parking lot will be re-configured and access to the bike trail will be built.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Construction Meeting September 20, 2007

Library underpinning is complete; the existing building is safe and secure. Excavation for the addition will now start in earnest. Unfortunately, the digging will displace the sewer line – so bathrooms will be out of service for at least 30 days. The old parking lot will also be dug up to make way for new utility lines.

Parking will be in the new “upper lot” along Pleasantville Road. Entry to the Library will be routed through the park and down the stairs to the front door. If you are unable to negotiate the staircase, we would be happy to meet you with your materials in the lot. Please call ahead from home-or from you car. We continue to keep our regular hours!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Big Dig

Well - this is big for us! The old piers that held up the modular, the front walkway, and parts of the parking area are now in a heap in front of the Library. Underpinning of the foundation should begin this week.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Normal Wednesday - August 29th

IT looks like a normal day at the Library - with the Parking Lot open and Staff here ready to serve you! SO if you are not away on vacation- come on in!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Library is Open!

Additional site work is on-going that is creating a "log-jam" in our parking lot. There are a few spaces to park, and you are welcome to park close to the entryway on the grass or gravel. Please do not block the roadway as cars and trucks are entering and exiting. If you are planning on a lengthy stay at the Library, you may want to park behind Atria and walk through Law Park to reach us.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Construction Meeting (8/23/2007)

At this morning’s construction meeting, the following were announced:
Access to the bike trail is a job priority – look for a new opening in the chain link fence behind the Library at the South side;
Additional Library parking will be coming soon along Pleasantville Road;
Underpinning (strengthening and stabilizing the foundation of the existing building) is next on the agenda, to be followed by excavation for the new addition.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

One Day Closing Announced for Tuesday, August 21st

The Library, along with all access to the parking lot and building, will be closed on Tuesday August 21st for additional site work. We again apologize for the inconvenience and of course, no fines will be charged for materials due that day that are returned a day late. Our intent continues to be to close ONLY when the contractors determine that conditions are unsafe for the public - we hope that there are very few days in the next 18 months for which this is the case!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Law Park Access Fenced Off

As heavy machinery moves in to remove tree stumps and dig the 16 ft. deep excavation for the basement of the addition, access to Law Park from the Library lot has been closed off. Within the month, construction on the upper parking lot for the Library will begin. Upon completion of the parking area adjacent to Pleasantville Road, the lot next to the building as well as temporary access to the bike trail will be reconfigured. Both temporary caution fence as well as chain link fencing will mark off areas that are unsafe for the public to enter.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Good News for Bike Riders/Trail Users!

The Library Parking Lot will be expanded at the beginning of the construction project. The “upper lot,” along Pleasantville Road, will be installed soon. As part of that work, temporary railtrail access will be created on the north side of the Library building. Although I can’t say when all of this will occur, I am told that once the big machinery starts arriving, the project will take off!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Chain Link Fence to be Installed!

The next sign that construction is imminent at the Library will be the installation of a chain link fence across the parking lot. The fence will separate the Library and its activities from the construction site excavation that will soon be underway. Parking will be severely cut and the stair way to the park, proper will be fenced off. Parking in the Library lot will be strictly limited to those using the Library; one hour parking will be enforced.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Library to Close for one Day- Monday, July 30th

Just for one day - the Library, the entrance, the parking lot- all will be closed for the day so that contractors can begin site work. All of the trees that need to be cut down for both the building expansion and the parking space increases will be taken down on that one day. We apologize for the inconvenience, and of course, no fines will be charged for materials due that day that are returned a day late. Our intent is to close ONLY when the contractors determine that conditions are unsafe for the public - we hope that there are very few days in the next 18 months for which this is the case!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Construction Progress Report

The modular is gone, the construction trailer is here, and the week of July 30th will see trees removed so that construction can begin. Be prepared to see a few large trees taken down so that the Library can expand. We will all greet this event with mixed feelings. As soon as we know which day the tree removal will take place, we will post it here and on our home page. The Library parking lot will be closed that day.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Construction Trailer Arriving at Library

On Tuesday, July 24th, the Contractor’s Construction Trailer will be delivered and situated on the South side of the Library property along Pleasantville Road. This will necessitate some closing of the Library entry and parking lot. If you visit, you may want to park at Atria and walk through Law Park in order to avoid delays. Unfortunately, we do not know what time the 40’ trailer will be delivered.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Ground Breaking July 27-10:00 am

A ceremonial ground breaking will be hosted by the Village and Library Boards at the site of the new construction on Friday, July 27th at 10:00 am. Join us for a few words of inspiration and some lemonade and cookies!

Modular to be Removed, Wednesday, July 18th

The Library Modular, which has served as the Children’s room for the past three years, will be removed from the Library this Wednesday, July 18th. While the Library will be open for business, parking will be limited and the parking lot may be closed when the modular is ready to roll out onto Pleasantville Road. In consideration of safety and noise, we have cancelled all Library programs previously scheduled for that day. The Modular will be moved to the DPW site and become office space for the Department of Public Works.
The following week (day to-be-announced) site work will begin with the removal of some trees and the placement of the Construction trailer. Although none of us like to see trees taken down, it is a necessary step toward expanding the Library. The site plan was carefully reviewed by the Village Planning Board and adopted by the Village Board.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Library Building Expansion Imminent

I thought I'd begin a blog to keep you up-to-date on what is happening with Library expansion. I'll do my best to keep it brief and just hit the high points.

For background information - to see the rendering, floor plans, and read about the vision for the new Library - go to

On Thursday, June 28, 2007 the pre-construction meeting for the Library expansion was held. The Architect sponsored the meeting and contractors, subcontractors, Village, and Library personnel met for an overview of what will be happening soon. Here are the highlights:

  1. Expect the Library modular to be off-site by early July. The DPW will build the wall to enclose the Library. DPW is inheriting the modular for office space.
  2. By the stone wall on Pleasantville Road, the General Contractor will be setting up his construction trailer.
  3. Construction is due to begin on or around July 16th - with contractors and subs moving in their storage bins and equipment.
  4. The north end of the Library parking lot will be fenced off since it will become the construction zone.
  5. Parking will be limited - encourage your friends who use the pool to park behind Atria, as per Village guidelines.

Just a few words about library service during the project. We expect to be under construction for 18 months... so our scaled down collection will be the rule. We continue to have the best of our materials on the shelves, so you may very well find what you need. But...

  1. Please ask us to order materials that you need- we are always happy to borrow form our neighboring libraries.
  2. Understand that we may have to move programs off-site during construction - we're taking this as it develops...
  3. Unfortunately, there may be some service interruptions, but the Contractors have promised to do their best to give us notice so that we can let you know when we might close for a day or two. We will post any such closings on our home page.

Have a good weekend and a good fourth of July!