Thursday, August 23, 2007

Construction Meeting (8/23/2007)

At this morning’s construction meeting, the following were announced:
Access to the bike trail is a job priority – look for a new opening in the chain link fence behind the Library at the South side;
Additional Library parking will be coming soon along Pleasantville Road;
Underpinning (strengthening and stabilizing the foundation of the existing building) is next on the agenda, to be followed by excavation for the new addition.


Fred said...

Thank you Geraldine for responding to my concerns about the access to the trailway! Contending with speeding SUV's and some dangerous pot holes on South State Road has been stressful while biking to the trailway access there so I appreciate that the new access path will be completed at the beginning, not the end of the Library expansion project. :-)

Fred Westendorf
Pleasantville Road

Geraldine Mahoney said...

thanks for your patience!

Fred said...

Hi Geraldine,

2 months have transpired since the August 23 construction meeting where providing access to the bike trail was reported to be a job priority. What's happened? I haven't seen any progress at all. It appears providing access to the trail has been relegated to the bottom of the list.

I am disappointed.

Fred Westendorf